This group coaching program teaches you mindset coaching and time management strategies to get you writing with ease. In 12 weeks, you will have finished a major writing project and will no longer experience blocks, procrastination, and productivity-stalling worries about the quality and originality of your work.
This group coaching program gets to the core of why you are experiencing trouble with your writing. It will help you complete your current writing goal within a supportive community of fellow writers. But, more importantly, you will learn tools that will ensure that you never find yourself unable to finish a writing project again.
This group coaching program is designed for academics at any career stage who struggle to write consistently and with ease.
This masterclass is for you.
“Coaching with Teri has completely changed my relationship to writing. It all happened more quickly than I could have imagined. Within the first few weeks of coaching together I learned how to approach my work with curiosity and optimism after years of feeling only dread and shame whenever I sat down to write. It has been freeing to realize how much control I have over how I feel about my academic work.” -- Sarah Stein, client
You will receive 16 weeks of instruction, writing support, and weekly group coaching sessions.
Are you ready to transform your relationship to your writing?
If the answer is yes, enroll now.
Let's do it!This masterclass is for academics at all career stages beyond the PhD.
The self-coaching tools that I teach in the masterclass help you to uncover the many recurring thoughts that keep you from making progress on your writing. Through this process of uncovering unhelpful thoughts and practicing believing new (far more helpful) thoughts, you will rewire your brain’s patterns in relationship to writing. Over the course of 12 weeks, you will move from a place of struggle in relationship to writing to a place of peace and joy. The “self” part of the term “self-coaching” emphasizes that this is a process you learn and do for yourself once you have learned the right tools.
You are free to stick to paper and pen calendaring methods if that feels most comfortable to you. If you like digital calendars, such as Google Calendar, I will encourage you to use one of those methods as they save a considerable amount of time as you plan from week to week. That said, you do not need to rely on digital methods if you would like to cut back on your daily reliance on screens.
If you follow the program week to week, you will make progress on your writing project. This program works for all academics who want to complete the project that they are currently working on.
I'II will be available to help with problems that come up every day of the work week from Monday to Friday.
I’ve been where you are now. I used to be procrastinating perfectionist and would spend hours in front of my computer worrying that I hadn’t yet researched enough to move beyond the notes stage, obsessing over minor word choices when writing, and imagining the terrible criticism that I would receive once I put my work out in the world.
And I would wonder why all the hours that I spent at my desk resulted in so few publications.
When I discovered the strategies, tools, and concepts that I teach in this masterclass, not only did my productivity and writing output increase, but I began to experience writing as pleasurable for the first time since my early years of graduate school.
that this all sounds very familiar but you’re not sure that you have the time, then you are exactly who this course if meant for.
Through this masterclass, I will help you to learn how to become the master of your time. It doesn’t have to own you any longer.
If you would like to book a free 45-minute consult to hear more about this masterclass, please click below to schedule an appointment.
Book a free 45-minute consult